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Athletic Breathwork Program

Our athletic breathwork programs are training programs that incorporate breathwork techniques to improve the physical and mental performance of athletes. The programs are designed to help athletes to increase lung capacity, reduce stress, improve endurance, and boost mental focus and clarity.

Athletic breathwork programs can include a variety of breathwork techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, box breathing, Wim Hof breathing, 4-7-8 breathing. These techniques are used to improve cardiovascular fitness, control the body's response to stress, and increase mental focus and clarity.


Our programs are designed to be incorporated into an athlete's current training regimen.


Regular practice of breathwork can improve athletic performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and provide a holistic approach to the physical and mental well-being of the athlete.

Our athletic breathwork program is suitable for all levels of athletes, from recreational to elite, and can be tailored to specific sports or activities. The program is led by certified breathwork instructor, Randeep, who has a deep understanding of the specific needs of athletes and the importance of breath in the athletic performance.


The program includes private and group sessions, as well as workshops and events. During the sessions, we'll cover different types of breathwork, and you'll learn how to use your breath as a tool to improve your overall athletic performance.

What We Offer

Warm Up on the Beach

Pre Training 

Our Pre Training sessions are designed to get the blood pumping, mind focused and the energy flowing throughout the body.





Focused, Energised  and Motivated 

Meditating on the Beach

Post Training

Post Training sessions are designed to calm the body down and allow you to reflect over your performance.




Calm, Confident, Reflective and In Control


Performance Day

Performance Day sessions are designed to get you into the best mental state possible, so your able to perform at your best.




Focused, Energised, Confident and In Flow

Meditation by the Sea

Rest Day

Rest Day sessions are all about recovery and getting the mind and body ready for the next set of tasks.





Calm, Rested, Focused and Confident


Breathwork Coach

Meet Randeep, a certified breathwork and mindful coach. 


Randeep subscribes to the belief that talent is over-emphasized and that mental toughness is the key to achieving success.


He understands that in order to reach the top of your game, you must work on your mindset.


He specializes in helping athletes, teams, and individuals to take their performance to the next level and beyond.


Randeep's approach to coaching is unique and results-driven, he is committed to helping you achieve your goals and reach your full potential as an athlete, team, or individual.


Are you looking for a way to take your athletic performance to the next level? Breathwork is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve your goals. Incorporating breathwork into your training routine can help you to improve your cardiovascular fitness, reduce stress and anxiety, improve mental focus and clarity, and even reduce the risk of injuries.


With breathwork, you'll learn how to control your body's response to stress and use your breath as a tool to improve your overall athletic performance. By increasing the flow of oxygen to your body, you'll be able to perform at a higher level for longer periods of time. Breathwork can also help you to recover faster after intense training or competition, and improve your sleep.

Breathwork can give you the edge you need to perform at your best, whether you're a recreational athlete or a professional.


Our athletic breathwork program is suitable for all levels of athletes and is tailored to meet your specific needs and goals. With the guidance of a certified breathwork instructor, you'll be able to take your athletic performance to the next level.


Don't wait any longer, try incorporating breathwork into your training routine today and see the difference it can make for yourself. Contact us for more information or to schedule your first session and take the first step towards reaching your full potential as an athlete.

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